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Asking Important Questions

Realize that ordinary thoughts cannot contact God.


This explains why past attempts to reach higher help have failed. Usual thought is filled with egotism, which blocks contact. Contact comes with a sincere and persistent request for contact. It is like a man in a national park who wants to cross to the other side of a wide river but sees no bridge. He asks a park ranger, who shows him the bridge. Have an attitude that requests help. You will be shown the bridge to a brighter land.


- Vernon Howard


He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever. 

Closed mouths don't get fed.

No man really becomes a fool. . .
until he stops asking questions.

- Charles Steinmetz

If you don't ask, your answer will always be no.

Look for the helpers.    
Fred "Mister" Rogers quoting his mother   

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